Nora’s Cloth

Issraa El-Kogali

How we dress ourselves today reflects a multitude of attitudes towards liberation and that freedom is the knowledge of ourselves. Nora’s Cloth is an Ibsen Scholarship awarded art installation project. Gender roles, traditional clothing, education and faith are broad themes of the year long study. Inspired by passages in the third act of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, the project Nora’s Cloth explores young women from Khartoum, Sudan living at home or in Nordic countries. Elkogali Häggström presents portraits of Khartoumian women and their voices create a conversation about their sense of self. This work looks at the presence or absence of the symbol of hijab or traditional clothing, with the backdrop of Islam, thereby showcasing contemporary Sudanese women’s perspectives as a way of introducing or reintroducing audiences to the feminine.
Country: Sudan
Time: 9
Year: 2021